Every year, tens of thousands of cable thefts occur. Not only does this put the safety of cable thieves at risk, it also causes significant inconvenience to emergency responders, electricity workers and local residents.
draad en kabel
Where Is the Wire and Cable Industry Going in the Post-epidemic Era?
The industry of wire and cable is the basic guarantee for the normal operation of modern economy and society. The level of development of the wire and cable industry is also a sign of a country’s manufacturing level.
Can Plastics Be Conductors? What Are Plastic Conductors?
Plastics are often considered to have very poor electrical conductivity, which is why they are used to make insulating sheaths for cables. However, scientists have discovered that plastic conductors can be made by mixing plastics with a high concentration of filamentary carbon black and a coking compound. Plastic conductors are … Read more
The Difference Between Stranded and Solid Cables
Cables include stranded or solid cables. The choice of using stranded or solid cable depends on several factors, such as the type of application and the project environment. Choosing the right type of cable can help make project cabling more logical.
Solar Cable Performance Requirements
Solar cables, also known as PV cables, are the solar system components for connecting the panels of the photovoltaic power system. Photovoltaic power generation is based on the principle of the photovoltaic effect. It uses solar cells to convert the energy from sunlight directly into electricity through solar cable. Photovoltaic power systems consist of three main components: solar panels, controllers and inverters.
What Type of Insulation Material to Choose for Wire and Cable in Different Environments?
The insulation material of wire and cable is an important structure to ensure the proper operation of the conductor. The operating life of the insulation material is an important indicator of the life of the cable. Usually, what are the insulation materials we use for wire and cable?
What Do I Need to Pay Attention to When Preheating Wire and Cable Conductors?
Wire and cable are used to transmit electrical (magnetic) energy. Information and the realization of electromagnetic energy conversion of wire products. Broadly speaking, wire and cable are also referred to as cable, and narrowly speaking, cable refers to insulated cable. It can be defined as a collection of the following parts: one or more insulated wire cores, and they may have their cladding, total protective layer, and outer sheath, the cable can also have additional conductors without insulation.
Faktore wat die isolasieweerstand van draad- en kabelprodukte beïnvloed
Die isolasie weerstand van draad- en kabelprodukte meet hoofsaaklik die volumeweerstand van die kabelisolasielaag, die oppervlakweerstand kan nie gemeet word nie, en meer faktore beïnvloed die waarde van kabelisolasieweerstand. In praktiese toepassing, daar is vier hooffaktore op die isolasieweerstandskoëffisiënt.