L’impact des baisses des taux d’intérêt en dollars sur le secteur de l’électricité

The Impact of Rapid Dollar Rate Cutting on the Power Sector

Au cours des dernières années, interest rate decisions made by the Federal Reserve have had significant implications across various sectors of the economy. One sector that feels these changes acutely is the power industry, which is closely tied to both domestic and international financial markets. This article will explore how cuts in dollar interest rates influence the power sector, particularly regarding investment, operational costs, and the dynamics of power imports and exports.

L’OMS de Malaisie investit $300 Millions de dollars en systèmes de câbles

landing station for ocean cable

Malaysian cable construction company OMS has set aside $300 million to invest in new cable systems and expand its core business. The privately held company said the significant growth in demand for data centers and clouds, as well as high utilization of existing cables, “urgently requires the expansion of ourLire plus

Circulation des points tendus Cours à court terme ou limite des prix du cuivre vers le bas de l'espace

The picture shows a variety of copper core cables

Depuis que le cuivre est devenu une nécessité dans la vie des gens, les prix du cuivre sont également devenus au centre des préoccupations quotidiennes de production de certains passionnés et hommes d’affaires. Selon les données de l'équipe ZMS, Shanghai copper fell back from its high level some time ago. The current month contract weekly average settlement price ofLire plus
