Tha prìs eadar-nàiseanta copair ann an 2024 air gluasad suas caochlaideach a nochdadh, air a stiùireadh le grunn fhactaran a’ gabhail a-steach ath-bheothachadh eaconamach na cruinne,…
Hydrocarbon-resistant cables are essential in environments exposed to various hydrocarbon substances like oils, fuels, and solvents. Designed to withstand corrosive…
O chionn ghoirid, the Brazilian government issued a public announcement stating that it had reviewed a series of matters and decided to…
In the forefront of power transmission technology, the innovative research, development, and application of the 750-kilovolt (kV) ultra-high voltage (UHV)…
In industries and buildings where fire safety is crucial, fire-resistant cables play a significant role in ensuring the continuous operation…
The global shift towards clean energy has accelerated dramatically in recent years as nations strive to combat climate change and…
To further boost the development of fiber optic and 5G networks, the European Commission plans to invest EUR 865 million…
Submarine communication cables play a pivotal role in the global telecommunications landscape, serving as the backbone of international data transmission.…
Hurricane Milton struck the U.S. on October 9, 2024, causing widespread devastation across Florida, leaving millions without power. The Category…
As of 0:00 on October 8, Changji-Guquan ± 1100 kV UHV DC transmission project (hereinafter referred to as “Jiquan DC”)…