
How to Use The Terminal Block

The wiring terminal is used to facilitate the connection of wires. It is a metal sheet sealed in insulating plastic. There are holes at both ends to insert wires, and screws are used for fastening or loosening. Por exemplo, two wires sometimes need to be connected and sometimes need to be disconnected. At this time, they can be connected with terminals and disconnected at any time, It is convenient and fast without welding or winding them together.

Wiring terminals are suitable for the interconnection of many wires. In the power industry, there are special terminal blocks and terminal boxes, which are all wiring terminals, single-layer, double-layer, corrente, voltage, ordinary, breakable, and so on. A certain crimping area is to ensure reliable contact and sufficient current.

The wiring terminals can be divided into, European wiring terminal series, plug-in wiring terminal series, transformer wiring terminal, building wiring terminal, fence wiring terminal series, spring wiring terminal series, track wiring terminal series, through wall wiring terminal series, optoelectric coupling wiring terminal series, 110 terminal, 205 terminal, 250 terminal, 187 terminal and OD2 2 ring terminal, ring terminal, ring terminal flag series terminal and sheath series, various ring terminals, tubular terminals, wiring terminals, copper strip and iron strip, etc.

The materials to be prepared for the use of wiring terminals include terminal lugs, screwdrivers, and wires.

1. Primeiro, peel off the insulation skin of the wire by 6-8 mm.

2. Then insert the exposed wire into the wiring terminal.

3. Then tighten the top screw with a screwdriver.

4. Pull with your hand to make sure it doesn’t fall.

5. Then press the switch and see that the light is on so that the wiring of the terminal is completed.


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