Fiber optics has been one of the main pillars of modern communications. It has a large communication capacity and long transmission distance. It also has the advantage of being highly sensitive and immune to electromagnetic interference. Jadi, how exactly does fiber optics transmit optical signals?
What Is The Specific Classification Standard Of Cable Flame Retardant Grade?
Saat sekarang, the cable industry is accustomed to flame retardant (FireRetardant), LowSmokeHalogenFree (LSOH) or low halogen low smoke (LSF), tahan api (FireResistant), dll., with certain fire performance of the cable, are collectively referred to as fire-resistant cable.
What is FTTH Fiber Optic Cable? What Kind of Structural Features Does it Have?
SAYA. Introduction Of FTTH Networks
With the development of optical communication networks and the deepening of fiber optic access, FTTH network construction is growing exponentially.
Saat sekarang, both China Telecom and China Netcom have indicated that they will invest huge amounts of money in the large-scale commercialization of FTTH.
Mengapa Kabel Tegangan Tinggi Tidak Dapat Dikubur di Bawah Tanah??
Apa Itu Kabel Tegangan Tinggi?
Transmisi tegangan ultra-tinggi mengacu pada penggunaan 500 kV-1000 kV level tegangan untuk mentransmisikan listrik.
jika 220 indeks transmisi kV adalah 100%, investasi relatif per kilometer transmisi UHV, biaya relatif per kilowatt-jam transmisi listrik seratus kilometer dan konsumsi bahan logam, dll., telah berkurang secara signifikan, dan tingkat pemanfaatan koridor jalur telah meningkat secara signifikan.
Dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, kita sering dapat melihat proyek transmisi tegangan ultra-tinggi di atas kepala, apakah kita sudah memikirkan pertanyaannya: kenapa tidak bisa seperti kabel bawah tanah kota, saluran listrik tegangan tinggi semua terkubur di bawah tanah?
Important! What You Need To Know About The Role Of Shielding In Control Cables
SEBUAH shielded control cable is generally used as the connection line of electrical instruments.
It is suitable for the connection line of electrical instruments with an AC-rated voltage of 450/750V and below and the transmission line of the automatic control system.
It has excellent properties such as oil resistance, water resistance, wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, resistance to various corrosive gases, aging resistance, and non-combustibility.
Apa Sumber Listrik??
For contemporary people in most parts of the world, electricity is a necessity. It is an essential commodity that contributes to our comfort. Our jobs, gadgets, and most daily activities are directly dependent on our ability to access electricity.
Aplikasi dan Prospek Kabel Transmisi DC Tegangan Tinggi
Dari perspektif dunia, kabel transmisi DC tegangan tinggi diterapkan pada bidang-bidang berikut seperti transmisi overhead berkapasitas tinggi jarak jauh, interkoneksi jaringan listrik, dan transmisi kabel bawah laut jarak jauh dengan keuntungan yang jelas.
6 Karakteristik Kabel Jalinan
Kabel yang dikepang diperlukan untuk stabilitas.
Benang silang memungkinkan kepang melenturkan dan meregangkan tubuh, lipat atau kinking.
Ada konduktor listrik yang sangat baik, kabel yang dikepang dan perisai elektrostatik untuk memastikan integritas sinyal.
Tembaga, tembaga kaleng, dan aluminium adalah contoh dari konduktor ini.
Faktor Apa yang Mempengaruhi Daya Keluaran Modul Fotovoltaik Surya
Solar modules are the core part of solar power systems.
Its function is to convert solar energy into electrical energy and send it to the battery for storage to facilitate the work of the load.
As an important part of photovoltaic modules, the output power of solar cables is very important.
Kabel Tiga Inti, Pilihan yang Lebih Baik untuk Memastikan Keamanan dan Keberhasilan Proyek
Three-core cable helps connect devices and machines to the mains.
Ukuran kabel 3-inti yang Anda pilih untuk digunakan dan cara Anda mendesain sirkuit juga dapat memengaruhi proyek Anda.
Because of differences in applications and variations in project specifications.
Selain itu, high-voltage applications often require high-quality cables, known as steel wire armor (SWA), and their applicable standards and specifications.
Karena itu, you must be familiar with the 3-core armored cable colors, and what the conductors of each color are for.
In this post, we will discuss all of these issues in more detail.