Pengantar Tabung Penyusutan Panas Tahan Api

The main role of heat shrink tubing in a circuit is to protect important devices and circuits from damage and impact. Although it does not have any particular impact on the operation of the circuit, it is often the key point that determines the success or failure of the entire design. With the rapid development of the electronics industry, flame-retardant heat shrink tubing is also inseparable from the electronics industry, more and more electronic products need to use flame retardant heat shrink tubing for protection. The flame retardant processing of the heat shrink tube, when attacked by external fire sources, can effectively block, delay or stop the transmission of flame, to achieve the effect of flame retardant.

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Kabel Inti Komposit Konduktor Aluminium (ACCC) Pengenalan Keuntungan

Saat sekarang, kabel overhead digunakan untuk mengangkut listrik jarak jauh. Kabel konvensional sebagian besar diperkuat baja konduktor aluminium (ACSR). Sejak tahun 1990-an, inti komposit serat karbon (inti komposit konduktor aluminium) telah digunakan sebagai batang inti kabel. ACCC memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut dibandingkan konduktor tradisional:.

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Apa yang Harus Saya Perhatikan Saat Memanaskan Kawat dan Konduktor Kabel??

Wire and cable are used to transmit electrical (magnetis) energi. Informasi dan realisasi konversi energi elektromagnetik produk kawat. Pada umumnya, wire and cable are also referred to as cable, and narrowly speaking, cable refers to insulated cable. It can be defined as a collection of the following parts: one or more insulated wire cores, and they may have their cladding, total protective layer, dan selubung luar, the cable can also have additional conductors without insulation.

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Keramik Putih Pada Tiang Listrik—Isolator Listrik

The main role of electrical insulators is to provide mechanical fixation and electrical insulation for electrical equipment and conductors in power transmission and supply lines. Insulators are currently available in three main materials, namely ceramic, tempered glass, and organic composite materials. Insulators have played an important role in the development of the electric power industry.

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Cara Menggunakan Blok Terminal

Terminal kabel digunakan untuk memfasilitasi koneksi kabel. Ini adalah lembaran logam yang disegel dalam plastik isolasi. Ada lubang di kedua ujungnya untuk memasukkan kabel, dan sekrup digunakan untuk mengencangkan atau melonggarkan. Sebagai contoh, dua kabel terkadang perlu dihubungkan dan terkadang perlu diputuskan. Pada saat ini, mereka dapat dihubungkan dengan terminal dan terputus kapan saja, Lebih mudah dan cepat tanpa mengelas atau melilitkannya bersama-sama.

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Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketahanan Isolasi Produk Kawat dan Kabel

The insulation resistance of wire and cable products mainly measures the volume resistance of the cable insulation layer, resistansi permukaan tidak dapat diukur, and more factors affect the value of cable insulation resistance. In practical application, there are four main factors on the insulation resistance coefficient.

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Kiat untuk meningkatkan kinerja keseluruhan kawat aluminium terdampar dengan inti paduan aluminium


The rated breaking force of the conductor is calculated based on the strength of all the aluminum single wires and reinforcements. Namun, the actual braking force deviates from the true calculated value. The main reason for this is that the strength of every single wire is not fully utilized. Karena itu, when designing the product not only to meet its minimum strength requirements but also to consider how the strength of every single wire is tapped out. Not only is it a full use of the material, but the overall performance of the wire will also be greatly improved.

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Sifat Mekanik dan Fisik Konduktor

Conductor Performance

Although high conductivity is an important indicator of a good or bad conductor, faktor lain juga harus dipertimbangkan. Perak tampaknya menjadi konduktor yang baik. Namun, its high cost makes users have to turn to other alternatives. Silver also has other disadvantages, such as lack of physical strength, which is necessary for the process of cable laying into the pipeline.

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