Melepaskan Kabel Telekomunikasi Berselubung Timbal dari Danau Tahoe

Danau Tahoe

South Lake Tahoe, Kalif. - Dalam pencapaian lingkungan yang inovatif, Liga untuk menyelamatkan Danau Tahoe telah mengumumkan keberhasilan penghapusan kabel telekomunikasi yang dilapisi timbal dari bawah perairan Danau Tahoe. Proyek penting ini menandai langkah maju yang signifikan dalam melestarikan salah satu sumber daya alam paling ikonik Amerika Serikat. ProtectingBaca lebih banyak

Pendaratan Kabel Kapal Selam Afrika-1 di Ras Ghareb, Mesir

Kabel udara serat optik OPGW

The construction of global communication networks has entered a new era, particularly with the deployment of submarine cables connecting East Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The Africa-1 cable, one of the most critical submarine communication hubs today, has successfully landed at Ras Ghareb in Egypt. This project, ledBaca lebih banyak

Brazil Menaikkan Tarif Impor Produk Seperti Kabel Fiber Optic Dan Fiber

Recently, the Brazilian government issued a public announcement stating that it had reviewed a series of matters and decided to implement corresponding measures such as reducing or exempting import tariffs, increasing import tariffs, and imposing anti-dumping duties on the relevant products respectively. SAYA. Basic content of the announcement In orderBaca lebih banyak

Tiongkok Berkembang 750 kV Sistem Kabel Tegangan Ultra Tinggi

750 kV ultra-high voltage cable system

In the forefront of power transmission technology, the innovative research, development, and application of the 750-kilovolt (kv) ultra-high voltage (UHV) cable system have garnered considerable attention. Background and Overview Recently, China Three Gorges Construction Group, in collaboration with enterprises such as Qingdao Han Cable Co., Changzhou Cable Technology, and theBaca lebih banyak

2025 Prakiraan Industri Energi Bersih

hotovoltaic Industry

The global shift towards clean energy has accelerated dramatically in recent years as nations strive to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Oleh 2025, the clean energy industry is projected to reach new heights, didorong oleh kemajuan teknologi, policy changes, and an increasing demand for sustainable power sources. … Baca lebih banyak

Tantangan Pemulihan Ketenagalistrikan di AS. Setelah Badai Milton

Power Restoration After Hurricane Milton

Hurricane Milton struck the U.S. on October 9, 2024, causing widespread devastation across Florida, leaving millions without power. The Category 3 hurricane unleashed heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and severe flooding, severely impacting the state’s electric grid. As of October 13, lebih dari 517,000 homes and businesses are still without electricity, particularlyBaca lebih banyak

Dampak Pemotongan Suku Bunga Dolar terhadap Industri Ketenagalistrikan

The Impact of Rapid Dollar Rate Cutting on the Power Sector

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Keputusan suku bunga yang dibuat oleh Federal Reserve mempunyai implikasi yang signifikan di berbagai sektor perekonomian. Salah satu sektor yang sangat merasakan perubahan ini adalah industri ketenagalistrikan, yang terkait erat dengan pasar keuangan domestik dan internasional. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi bagaimana pemotongan suku bunga dolar mempengaruhi sektor ketenagalistrikan, khususnya mengenai investasi, biaya operasional, dan dinamika impor dan ekspor tenaga listrik.

Investasi OMS Malaysia $300 Juta Dalam Sistem Kabel

landing station for ocean cable

Malaysian cable construction company OMS has set aside $300 million to invest in new cable systems and expand its core business. The privately held company said the significant growth in demand for data centers and clouds, as well as high utilization of existing cables, “urgently requires the expansion of ourBaca lebih banyak
