Saat sekarang, the cable industry is accustomed to flame retardant (FireRetardant), LowSmokeHalogenFree (LSOH) or low halogen low smoke (LSF), tahan api (FireResistant), dll., with certain fire performance of the cable, are collectively referred to as fire-resistant cable.
Bagaimana Industri Kabel Dapat Memenuhi Tantangan Rantai Pasokan Global?
Rantai pasokan global adalah jaringan yang rumit dan penting yang menghubungkan produsen, distributor, pengecer, dan konsumen. Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, Sistem rantai pasokan menjadi semakin global, offering both opportunities and challenges. For the cable industry, this globalized supply chain has made operations more complex but has also … Baca lebih banyak