Il Gruppo Prysmian ha ottenuto due contratti per la trasmissione di energia in Germania per un valore complessivo di oltre 800 milioni di euro. These include the contracts for the DolWin4 and BorWin4 projects with the German transmission system operator Amprion Offshore GmbH.
These projects mainly concern the design, supply, installation and commissioning of grid-connected systems for offshore wind farms in the German North Sea. This is Prysmian’s first 320kV HVDC subsea project with Amprion Offshore GmbH.
Together, the DolWin4 and BorWin4 projects will transmit 1.8 GW of electrical capacity. Prysmian will supply approximately 1,000 km of ±320 kV high-voltage DC cable. The submarine cables will be produced in Pikkala, Finland and Arco Felice, Italy. And the land-based cables will be produced in Gron, France and Abbeville, Stati Uniti d'America. Delivery and commissioning of both projects is expected to be scheduled for 2028.
Each system will consist of two HVDC cables capable of transmitting 900 MW of power. On the land side, the two systems will be connected to the 300 km A-Nord underground line corridor. The submarine cable will go from the offshore platform through the Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer National Park, cross the island of Norderney and then connect to the land cable near Hilgenriedersiel.
More than half of Germany’s electricity came from conventional sources in the first six months of the year, according to data published by the Wiesbaden Statistical Office. Primarily, Germany has increased its coal-fired power generation in the face of an energy crisis of Russian gas supply cuts.
But renewable energy is growing. The rise in the share of renewable energy is driven by an increase in wind and solar power, thanks to the large number of sunshine hours and the continued supply of wind power in the past half year.
In the future, Germany will accelerate the development of renewable energy. Wind and solar energy will see a boom. Di conseguenza, submarine cables and solar cables will also welcome a strong growth market.
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