
What is The Correct Procedure for The Installation of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters? And What are its Advantages?

What Is The Correct Procedure For Installing Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters?

Il scaricatore di ossido di zinco uses zinc oxide resistance as the main component, which greatly improves the voltammetric characteristics of the arrester and increases the through-current capability. When the arrester is in normal operation, the voltage flow through the arrester current is only microampere. When the overvoltage is received, the excellent non-linear characteristics of the arrester play a good role.

A lightning arrester is mainly used to protect electrical equipment from lightning intrusion overvoltage and operating overvoltage on its power equipment insulation damage.

How To Install And Use The Zinc Oxide Arrester Correctly?

  1. Before the installation of the zinc oxide surge arrester, need to correctly check the content of the nameplate, whether it is in line with the rated voltage of the required system.
  2. The arrester is fixed on the bracket, the upper terminal is connected to the linea ad alta tensione, and the lower terminal needs to be reliably grounded.
  3. To avoid using the arrester as a bracing insulator, it should be installed as close as possible to the protected equipment so that it can achieve a better protective effect.
  4. Lightning arrester terminal installed in the drop fuse after, conducive to open when it plays a protective role, transformer low-voltage side should be installed low-voltage arrester, to prevent positive and negative transformation caused by overvoltage damage to power equipment.
  5. Zinc oxide arrester in the user needs to pay attention to the use of the location, temperature, humidity, and lightning arrester that is not suitable for installation in large vibration or serious dirt and corrosive gas places.
  6. Zinc oxide lightning arrester in use needs to be regularly preventive testing, measuring leakage current. And require leakage current within the normal range of product regulations.

The Characteristics Of The Zinc Oxide Arrester Are As Follows.

  1. Basically no renewal current, strong resistance to multiple lightning shocks, or multiple operating wave capacity.
  2. Symmetrical voltammetric characteristics, positive and negative overvoltage protection level is equivalent.
  3. Zinc oxide can be used without series gaps, fast action, flat voltammetric characteristics, low residual voltage, and no intercept wave.
  4. Zinc oxide valve can be used in parallel, easy to achieve increased through-current and reduced residual voltage, to provide convenient assembly into ultra-high voltage surge arresters.
  5. It can reduce the level of insulation of the protected equipment.
  6. Simple structure, small size, lightweight, available building block assembly simple.
  7. 35KV zinc oxide arrester shell can be made of synthetic silicone rubber, with explosion-proof ability, and not easy to penetrate moisture.
  8. The zinc oxide valve piece has excellent non-linear voltammetric characteristics. After using this gapless arrester, its protection level is not limited by the gap discharge characteristics. Make it depends only on the lightning and operating discharge voltage when the residual voltage characteristics and this characteristic is much better compared with the conventional silicon carbide valve plate. This relatively improves the insulation level of the transmission and substation equipment, thus making it possible to reduce the project cost.


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