の transmission line connection point is a major weak point of inline operation. In the operation of often heat burned, thus causing power outages. The analysis of the wire connection point heating problem, and timely adoption of appropriate preventive measures, will effectively avoid the wire connection point overheating. This causes the wire connection point to burn off the accident. Analyze the causes of wire connection point heating, and understand the theoretical basis for the temperature rise of high-voltage lines. 同時に, mastering the prevention and solution measures to deal with the connection point heating problem, to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the line has practical significance.
How To Set Up Overhead Fiber Optic Cable?
Fiber optic cable construction is roughly divided into the following steps: preparation → routing project → fiber optic cable laying → fiber optic cable splicing → project acceptance.
What is The Correct Procedure for The Installation of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters? And What are its Advantages?
What Is The Correct Procedure For Installing Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters?
の zinc oxide arrester uses zinc oxide resistance as the main component, which greatly improves the voltammetric characteristics of the arrester and increases the through-current capability. When the arrester is in normal operation, the voltage flow through the arrester current is only microampere. When the overvoltage is received, the excellent non-linear characteristics of the arrester play a good role.
A lightning arrester is mainly used to protect electrical equipment from lightning intrusion overvoltage and operating overvoltage on its power equipment insulation damage.
ワイヤーとケーブルの絶縁材料は、導体の適切な動作を保証するための重要な構造です. The operating life of the insulation material is an important indicator of the life of the cable. いつもの, what are the insulation materials we use for wire and cable?
(1) The Role Of High-Voltage Line Arrester
High-voltage line arrester for 6 〜220kVAC送電線, is a new type of lightning arrester suspended and installed on the transmission tower.
高圧送電線工事の場合, プロジェクトに取り組んでいる多くの人々は、しばしば高電圧電源ケーブルの接合部に出くわします. 今日, 高圧電力ケーブル継手の種類とその用途についてご相談したいのですが. 初め, 何について話しましょう 高圧電力ケーブルのジョイント は.
主な役割は、 electrical insulators is to provide mechanical fixation and electrical insulation for electrical equipment and conductors in power transmission and supply lines. Insulators are currently available in three main materials, namely ceramic, tempered glass, and organic composite materials. Insulators have played an important role in the development of the electric power industry.