300 10억 KHS! 세계 최고 전압 송전 프로젝트, 전력량에 큰 돌파구를 열다

As of 0:00 on October 8, Changji-Guquan ± 1100 kV UHV DC transmission project (hereinafter referred to as “Jiquan DC”) cumulative outward transmission of 302.15 billion kWh, exceeding 300 billion kWh mark, equivalent to the in-situ conversion of 120.86 million tons of standard coal, emission reduction of 301.2435 million tons of carbon dioxide, the internal and external power delivery of 53.68 billion kWh, an increase of 9.1% over the same period last year. The total amount of power sent out by JQDC is 302.15 billion kWh, exceeding the 300 billion kWh mark, which is equivalent to transforming 120.86 million tons of standard coal in situ and reducing the emission of 301.243 million tons of carbon dioxide. For three consecutive years, the amount of power sent out ranked first in the nation’s DC ultra-high voltage projects.

Jiquan DC is currently the world’s highest voltage level, the largest transmission capacity, transmission distance of the farthest ultra-high voltage power transmission project, is the “West to East” of the important energy channel, connecting China’s Xinjiang Jundong large-scale energy bases and load center in East China, through six provinces and regions, the line length of 3,293 킬로미터, is the “power out of Xinjiang” “artery” to promote the transformation of resource advantages into economic advantages, service China’s energy and power supply an important role. “Xinjiang power outward transmission” of the ‘artery’, to promote Xinjiang’s resource advantages into economic advantages, service China’s energy and power supply has an important role.

보고서에 따르면, in order to ensure the safe and stable operation of jiquan dc, state grid xinjiang electric power co., ltd through the perfect equipment integration monitoring system, converter transformer automatic inspection system, intelligent inspection robot and drones and other intelligent to carry out the equipment inspection and check, and through the analysis of big data algorithm, take the initiative to carry out the equipment operation state analysis and fault warning, greatly improve the safety and health of the equipment.

In July this year, Ji Quan DC conveying power to 11 million kilowatts of operation again during the year, three consecutive years of conveying power to 11 million kilowatts of operation, the daily transmission of power to break a new record, amounting to 254 million kilowatt-hours, equivalent to the simultaneous lighting of 400 million 30-watt lamps to meet the electricity needs of about 130,000 four-member families a year, and vigorously support the high temperature of the East China region large loads of electricity.
