Wire And Cable General Knowledge Q & A

cable industry

1. Single-Core Cable Sheath End Grounding Method, Why Must Be Installed Along The Cable Laid In Parallel With The Return Line?

In the metal sheath end of the grounded cable line, ensure that the induced voltage in the sheath does not exceed the allowable standard.

Must be installed along the cable line parallel laying of a conductor, and the two ends of the conductor grounded, this conductor is called the return line.

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Why Use HVDC Cable for Long-Distance Transmission?

high voltage dc overhead line manufacturer

In a modern DC transmission system, only the transmission link is DC, the generation system and the consumer system are still AC. At the sending end of the transmission line, the AC power from the AC system is sent to the rectifier via the converter transformer in the converter station. Which changes the high-voltage AC power into high-voltage DC power and sends it to the DC transmission line.

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Howawa kabloyên satelîtê yên çavdêriyê hilbijêrin û saz bikin?

Give you an example of what coaxial cable is

Satellite TV can reach the most remote corners of the earth, li ku derê peydakiroxên gelemperî tune û tozên weşanê hene. Pergalên berhevkirî yên heyî dikarin li her deverê werin saz kirin. Pîvaza satelîtê bi reng û wêneyek zelal peyda dike. Kabloya hevbeş ya ku ji bo TV Satellite tê bikar anîn kabloya hevokek satelîtê ye. … Read more

Causes of Cable Fires and How to Deal with Them

cable fire

According to the railroad station in Nanjing, at 18:20 on August 8, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge highway bridge below the attached place cable burst into flames and smoke, the fire department and the railroad units concerned quickly disposed of, affecting some trains late. The cause of the incident is under investigation.

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