Apakah Piawaian Klasifikasi Khusus Gred Kalis Api Kabel?

2 years ago

Pada masa ini, the cable industry is accustomed to flame retardant (Tahan Api), RendahAsapHalogenBebas (LSOH) atau asap rendah halogen rendah (LSF), tahan api…

Apakah itu Kabel Gentian Optik FTTH? Apakah Jenis Ciri Struktur yang Ada padanya?

2 years ago

saya. Introduction Of FTTH Networks With the development of optical communication networks and the deepening of fiber optic access, FTTH…

Mengapa Kabel Voltan Tinggi Tidak Boleh Dikuburkan Di Bawah Tanah?

2 years ago

Apakah Kabel Voltan Tinggi? Penghantaran voltan ultra tinggi merujuk kepada penggunaan 500 kV-1000 kV voltage levels to transmit

Penting! Perkara yang Anda Perlu Tahu Mengenai Peranan Perisai Dalam Kabel Kawalan

2 years ago

A shielded control cable is generally used as the connection line of electrical instruments.It is suitable for the connection line

Apakah Sumber Elektrik?

2 years ago

Untuk orang kontemporari di kebanyakan bahagian dunia, elektrik adalah satu keperluan. It is an essential commodity that contributes

Berhati-hati dengan Pencuri Kabel! Mengapa Seseorang Mencuri Kabel?

2 years ago

Every year, tens of thousands of cable thefts occur. Not only does this put the safety of cable thieves at

Aplikasi dan Prospek Kabel Penghantaran DC Voltan Tinggi

2 years ago

Dari perspektif dunia, high-voltage DC transmission cable is applied to the following areas such as long-distance high-capacity overhead transmission,…

Ke Mana Perginya Industri Kawat dan Kabel di Era Pasca-wabak?

2 years ago

The industry of wire and cable is the basic guarantee for the normal operation of modern economy and society. The…

6 Ciri-ciri Kabel Jalinan

2 years ago

Braided cables are required for stability.Crossed threads allow the braid to flex and stretch without bending, folding or kinking.There are

What Factors Affect The Output Power Of Solar Photovoltaic Modules

2 years ago

Solar modules are the core part of solar power systems.Its function is to convert solar energy into electrical energy and