cabo submarino

Aterragem do cabo submarino Africa-1 em Ras Ghareb, Egito

The construction of global communication networks has entered a new era, particularly with the deployment of submarine cables connecting East

1 month ago

Como os cabos de comunicação submarinos transmitem sinais de dados?

Submarine communication cables play a pivotal role in the global telecommunications landscape, serving as the backbone of international data transmission.

2 months ago

OMS da Malásia investe $300 Milhões em sistemas de cabo

Malaysian cable construction company OMS has set aside $300 million to invest in new cable systems and expand its core

2 months ago

Prysmian recebe encomendas alemãs de sistemas de transmissão de energia de € 800 milhões

The Prysmian Group has obtained two contracts for German power transmission with a total value of more than 800 million

2 years ago

Projeto de cabo submarino grego para Creta inicia instalação

Notícias abrangentes da mídia estrangeira, ligando a cidade grega de Attica (Ática) e Creta Heraklion (Heraklion) submarine communication cable system has

3 years ago