Zırhlı ve çıplak iletken kablolar arasındaki temel fark nedir??

Elektrik mühendisliği ve inşaat alanında, Doğru kablo tipini seçmek hem güvenlik hem de verimlilik açısından çok önemlidir. Yaygın olarak kullanılan iki kablolama türü zırhlı kablolar ve çıplak iletkenlerdir. Her birinin kendine has özellikleri var, avantajlar, ve uygulamalar. This article SWA Cable delves into theRead more

Why Can’t High-Voltage Cables Be Buried Underground?

What Is A High-Voltage Cable?

Ultra-high voltage transmission refers to the use of 500 kV-1000 kV voltage levels to transmit electricity.

If the 220 kV transmission index is 100%, the relative investment per kilometer of UHV transmission, the relative cost per kilowatt-hour electricity transmission a hundred kilometers and the consumption of metal materials, etc., have been significantly reduced, and the line corridor utilization rate has been significantly improved.

In our daily lives, we can often see the overhead ultra-high voltage transmission project, whether we have thought about the question: why can not be like the city underground cable, high-voltage power lines all buried underground?

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