互联网上有各种船用电线电缆分类, 但并非所有这些都能满足您的需求. 以下是船用电缆的简短分类,可以相对轻松地满足您的需求, 包括 P 型电缆, 悬空电缆, 还有更多. 我们将一劳永逸地解决船用电缆和船用电缆之间的差异.
在电力行业, 220 伏特和 380 伏特被认为是低电压, 主要用于家庭用电. 35,000 伏特及以上为高压, mainly used for power transmission. In between, it is medium voltage. And it is extremely dangerous to touch high-voltage power lines or to carry … 阅读更多
这 transmission line connection point is a major weak point of inline operation. 在运行中经常受热烧毁, 从而导致停电. The analysis of the wire connection point heating problem, and timely adoption of appropriate preventive measures, will effectively avoid the wire connection point overheating. This causes the wire connection point to burn off the accident. Analyze the causes of wire connection point heating, and understand the theoretical basis for the temperature rise of high-voltage lines. At the same time, mastering the prevention and solution measures to deal with the connection point heating problem, to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the line has practical significance.
安装氧化锌避雷器的正确步骤是什么? 以及它的优点是什么?
这 氧化锌避雷器 uses zinc oxide resistance as the main component, which greatly improves the voltammetric characteristics of the arrester and increases the through-current capability. When the arrester is in normal operation, the voltage flow through the arrester current is only microampere. When the overvoltage is received, the excellent non-linear characteristics of the arrester play a good role.
A lightning arrester is mainly used to protect electrical equipment from lightning intrusion overvoltage and operating overvoltage on its power equipment insulation damage.
在高压输电线路建设的情况下, 许多从事项目的人经常会遇到高压电力电缆接头. 今天, I would like to discuss the types of high voltage power cable joints and their applications with you. 第一的, let’s talk about what high voltage power cable joints 是.