欧洲医用光纤市场有望强劲增长, 对微创手术和先进成像技术不断增长的需求推动. 光纤提供增强的可视性, 灵活性, 内窥镜等医疗应用的精度, 诊断, 和手术干预. Key players are focusing on innovation and collaboration … 阅读更多
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欧洲医用光纤市场有望强劲增长, 对微创手术和先进成像技术不断增长的需求推动. 光纤提供增强的可视性, 灵活性, 内窥镜等医疗应用的精度, 诊断, 和手术干预. Key players are focusing on innovation and collaboration … 阅读更多
最近, 巴西政府发布公告称,已审查一系列事项,决定实施减免进口关税等相应措施, 提高进口关税, 并对相关产品分别征收反倾销税. 我. Basic content of the announcement In order … 阅读更多
To further boost the development of fiber optic and 5G networks, the European Commission plans to invest EUR 865 million in these two areas over the next three years and has opened a call for proposals on how to use this money efficiently. The commitment is part of the European … 阅读更多
截至 0:00 十月 8, Changji-Guquan ± 1100 kV UHV DC transmission project (hereinafter referred to as “Jiquan DC”) cumulative outward transmission of 302.15 billion kWh, exceeding 300 billion kWh mark, equivalent to the in-situ conversion of 120.86 million tons of standard coal, emission reduction of 301.2435 million tons … 阅读更多
马来西亚电缆建设公司OMS已搁置 $300 百万投资新电缆系统并扩大其核心业务. 这家私营公司表示,数据中心和云的需求显着增长, 以及现有电缆的高利用率, “迫切需要扩大我们的 … 阅读更多