
欧盟支出接近 900 百万欧元加速5G和光纤布局

To further boost the development of fiber optic and 5G networks, the European Commission plans to invest EUR 865 million in these two areas over the next three years and has opened a call for proposals on how to use this money efficiently.

The commitment is part of the European Commission’s ongoing “CEF Digital” program, whose overall objective is to support and promote public and private investment in digitally connected infrastructure for the common good of Europe and to build a more connected and efficient digital Europe.

5G networks are leading the list of funding allocations due to the European Commission’s goal of aiming for wide coverage of 5G and Gigabit networks for all in Europe by the end of 2030.

具体来说, the European Commission is seeking to co-fund large-scale projects to accelerate the deployment of gigabit networks and 5G standalone networks, as well as the integration of edge cloud and computing capabilities into verticals such as health, manufacturing, transportation and logistics.

The construction and development of backbone networks is also receiving high priority, with the European Commission actively exploring new deployment strategies and major upgrade initiatives, while looking at the latest advances in undersea fiber optic cable technology and research into quantum computing.

The third phase of the plan is also said to cover digital platforms for transportation operations and energy infrastructure operations advocated by the EU.


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