每年, 数以万计的电缆盗窃发生. 这不仅会危及电缆窃贼的安全, 这也给紧急救援人员带来了极大的不便, 电力工人和当地居民.
塑料能做导体吗? 什么是塑料导体?
塑料通常被认为具有非常差的导电性, 这就是为什么它们被用来制造电缆的绝缘护套. 然而, 科学家们发现,塑料导体可以通过将塑料与高浓度的丝状炭黑和焦化化合物混合制成. Plastic conductors are … 阅读更多
Wire and cable are used to transmit electrical (磁的) 活力. 线材产品的信息与电磁能量转换的实现. 广义上讲, wire and cable are also referred to as cable, and narrowly speaking, cable refers to insulated cable. It can be defined as a collection of the following parts: one or more insulated wire cores, and they may have their cladding, total protective layer, 和外护套, the cable can also have additional conductors without insulation.
The insulation resistance of wire and cable products mainly measures the volume resistance of the cable insulation layer, 无法测量表面电阻, and more factors affect the value of cable insulation resistance. In practical application, there are four main factors on the insulation resistance coefficient.